Step inside this gorgeous remodeled three-bedroom two two-bathroom pool home.
With an open floor plan where your kitchen and family room face the beautiful backyard, it's an indoor-outdoor dream come true.
Welcome to this beautiful Pool home in Crown Pointe, an exclusive gated community amid the historic Virginia Country Club neighborhood. Located on a large corner lot, approximately 6000 sq. ft. of a tree-lined cul-de-sac at the rear of the community. This home includes 2491 square feet of secluded and private resort like living with its spacious interior and multiple outdoor spaces.
In this highly sought-after neighborhood you will find what feels like home.
From the neighborhood activities, the community, and the well-known purple Jacaranda trees we believe you'll appreciate this place as much as we do.
From the moment you arrive at this spacious Carson Park charmer, the curb appeal of your next home will strike you. The large green lawn and nicely offset the crisp exterior paint and stylish door of this traditional home.
207 Santa Ana Avenue, Long Beach, California 90803
2,252Lot Sqft
Charming Coastal Retreat in Long Beach Welcome to this delightful coastal home located on Santa Ana Ave in the heart of Belmont Shore. With its prime location just minutes from the beach, this property offers the perfect blend of convenience and relation.
2520 East Sixth Street, Long Beach, California 90814
6,510Lot Sqft
Welcome to your Dream Home! This Beautifully Re-imagined Rose Park South California Bungalow, originally built in 1922, blends timeless charm with modern convenience.
Gorgeous Bixby Pool House! This lovely gem is a renovated 2,867 square foot, two-story home with a pool. There are five bedrooms, three and half bathrooms, there are two fireplaces, one in the family room and the other is in the living room, and a vaulted ceiling in this large home with central heating and air conditioning.
Stunning four-bedroom, two-bathroom residence in Long Beach, offering the ultimate blend of comfort, relaxation, and entertainment! This spacious home boasts a bright and airy interior with high ceilings and a beautiful kitchen, perfect for families or those seeking ample space. The four bedrooms provide a serene retreat, while the two bathrooms ensure convenience and privacy.
2401 San Francisco Avenue, Long Beach, California 90806
8,415Lot Sqft
Welcome to your dream home in the sought-after Wrigley neighborhood of Long Beach! This stunning corner lot two-story property has been meticulously upgraded with no expense spared, offering a spacious and luxurious living experience that’s perfect for families of all sizes. With approximately 2,930 sq. ft.
Welcome to 3845 Cedar this beautiful home was rebuilt in 2005 and must be seen to appreciate. Exquisitely appointed custom villa with Tuscan and Spanish touches this home can serve well as a multi generational home or for additional work space if needed. Vaulted ceilings with dramatic exposed wooden beams throughout.
Welcome to 346 Carroll Park East, a Mediterranean Villa that beautifully blends historic details and modern updates. With grounds more than a quarter of an acre, this property is one the larger lots within the Carroll Park Historic District. Originally constructed in 1919, the estate has been thoughtfully expanded and upgraded.
Paraaquellas personas y familiasque buscanpara casas ycondominios para la venta, Long Beach CAes el lugar perfectopara que usted considere. Elija entre una ampliavariedad decasas y condominiosen ventaen la ciudad.Es un hechoque LongBeach CAes consideradocomo uno de loslugaresde elitepara vivirdebido a su excelentecrecimiento económicoy las industriasprogresistas. También hayun gran número depropiedades de bienes raícesquese puede optarentreen LongBeachCA.
La mayor partede los bienes inmueblesde Long BeachCAle ofreceremos condiferentesbeneficios queseguramente le encantaráyestaes una de lasrazones por las cualesla mayoría dela gente eligeLong BeachCAcomo el mejor lugarpara comprarsuscasas y condominios. En elúltimo año, la mayoría de la gente quiere encontrarun lugar magnífico paracomprar sucasa ycondominiossin embargola búsqueda dela élitenoes una tarea fácilen absoluto, ya que normalmente requieretiempo, dinero, esfuerzo, compromiso, una intensa investigacióny dedicaciónpara hacerAsegúrese de que sudinerocompraque recorrer unlargo camino.
Aparte deesto, tambiénesdeejecución hipotecariaen LongBeach CAque usted debeaprender y explorarmás. Enbusca decasas y condominiosen venta enLong BeachCA, es muy imprescindible que usted tieneuna comprensiónevidentey mejorsobre cómo elegirel mejor.Navegar por la webserá de gran ayudapara recopilar información adicionalLong BeachCAque le ayudaráaencontrar la casade élite ycondominio queusted soñó. Además, Long Beach CAes consideradocomo uno de losmejoresdestinosturísticos enla actualidadsobre todoporlos veraneantes yturistas.Conlas impresionantesatraccionesque el lugartiene para ofrecer, Long Beach CAes definitivamenteuna ciudadpara buscara.
Estamos compuestosdebien entrenados,, corredores de bienes raícescompetentesyplenamentecualificadosprofesionales que tienenen el conocimientoy la comprensiónde profundidaden la venta ycompra de casasy condominiosen LongBeachCA.Estamos aquípara proporcionarlelas mejores casas ycondominiosque pueden adaptara susnecesidades, expectativas ydemandassin encontrardificultades ymolestias.
Estamos seguros de quenuestrainmobiliariarápidosistema de búsquedade la MLSserá unagran herramientapara ayudarle a encontrarla mejor propiedadde bienes raícesque estáansiosamentebuscando.