1075 Coronado Avenue, Long Beach, California 90804
1,600Lot Sqft
Charming California Bungalow - Perfect Airbnb Opportunity!
Step into this beautiful California bungalow, already thriving as an Airbnb with steady bookings. This home exudes charm with its bright, open floorplan and welcoming atmosphere. Professionally decorated, it offers a resort-like retreat style that’s both practical and stunning.
Great investment Opportunity!! This home features 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom downstairs. A mother in law suite upstairs with its own full bathroom including a private entrance, a large attic storage and two gated parking spaces. It’s Conveniently Located near the blue line and the Pacific Coast Highway, and the Long Beach marina and beach are only minutes away.
Fantastic Opportunity! This home is the definition of Location...Location....Location....!!! Just 8 doors from a hidden neighborhood park this 2 Bd 1 Bth home is nestled in a quiet neighborhood at the very North tip of Long Beach.
3400 Adriatic Avenue, Long Beach, California 90810
4,313Lot Sqft
Charming Original Home on a Corner Lot in Westside Long Beach – First Time on the Market in 50 Years! Situated on a spacious corner lot, this 3-bedroom, 1-bathroom home exudes timeless charm and endless potential. With its original features, this property offers a unique opportunity for you to make it your own and infuse your personal touch.
Calling all first-time homebuyers!
This charming bungalow style home is your dream come true. It's bursting with cuteness and move-in-ready with fresh paint inside and out, plus brand new flooring throughout.
Enjoy two full bathrooms, perfect for sharing. The fenced yard is your own private space, ideal for pets, barbecues with friends, or simply relaxing under the sunshine.
6518 Cerritos Avenue, Long Beach, California 90805
4,483Lot Sqft
First time on market in many years. Charming two bedroom, one bath, one story house. Covered Patio. Gated and fenced. Upgraded with vinyl windows. Mostly copper plumbing. Breeze way with carport and long driveway. Nice size lot with two car garage and orange tree in backyard.
Convenient to shopping, dining and transportation. Bike Score 80, Walk Score 75.
1547 W Cameron street, Long Beach, California 90810
2,993Lot Sqft
Welcome to this 3bed, 2 bath remodeled house in Long Beach.
Brand new kitchen,Brand new windows ,Brand new appliances ,Brand new ceiling fans Brand new lighting in entire house, Freshly painted inside and outside ,Brand new vinyl flooring,Brand new garage door & Brand new bathrooms.
Beautiful floor plan and convenient location.
Entirely redone in 2019, this corner lot home located in Long Beach has 3 bedrooms and 1 bath as well as a laundry room large enough to be used as an office space. Enter the front door to the expansive living room that adjoins the remodeled kitchen. French doors leading to a secluded patio makes entertaining easy and convenient for backyard bbqs or enjoying your morning coffee.
This investment opportunity is one of two adjacent properties in Long Beach. The property is tenant occupied, generating $3,000/month, but will be delivered vacant at closing. This provides flexibility for various strategies, such as redevelopment, leasing, or renovation.
This investment opportunity is one of two adjacent properties in Long Beach. The property is tenant occupied, generating $3,000/month, but will be delivered vacant at closing. This provides flexibility for various strategies, such as redevelopment, leasing, or renovation.
1439 Artesia Boulevard, Long Beach, California 90805
4,118Lot Sqft
Discover the charm of Southern California living in this meticulously upgraded Spanish-style residence nestled in the heart of Long Beach. Boasting 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, plus a detached utility room, this home blends classic architectural elements with modern amenities for the ultimate in comfort and style.
Paraaquellas personas y familiasque buscanpara casas ycondominios para la venta, Long Beach CAes el lugar perfectopara que usted considere. Elija entre una ampliavariedad decasas y condominiosen ventaen la ciudad.Es un hechoque LongBeach CAes consideradocomo uno de loslugaresde elitepara vivirdebido a su excelentecrecimiento económicoy las industriasprogresistas. También hayun gran número depropiedades de bienes raícesquese puede optarentreen LongBeachCA.
La mayor partede los bienes inmueblesde Long BeachCAle ofreceremos condiferentesbeneficios queseguramente le encantaráyestaes una de lasrazones por las cualesla mayoría dela gente eligeLong BeachCAcomo el mejor lugarpara comprarsuscasas y condominios. En elúltimo año, la mayoría de la gente quiere encontrarun lugar magnífico paracomprar sucasa ycondominiossin embargola búsqueda dela élitenoes una tarea fácilen absoluto, ya que normalmente requieretiempo, dinero, esfuerzo, compromiso, una intensa investigacióny dedicaciónpara hacerAsegúrese de que sudinerocompraque recorrer unlargo camino.
Aparte deesto, tambiénesdeejecución hipotecariaen LongBeach CAque usted debeaprender y explorarmás. Enbusca decasas y condominiosen venta enLong BeachCA, es muy imprescindible que usted tieneuna comprensiónevidentey mejorsobre cómo elegirel mejor.Navegar por la webserá de gran ayudapara recopilar información adicionalLong BeachCAque le ayudaráaencontrar la casade élite ycondominio queusted soñó. Además, Long Beach CAes consideradocomo uno de losmejoresdestinosturísticos enla actualidadsobre todoporlos veraneantes yturistas.Conlas impresionantesatraccionesque el lugartiene para ofrecer, Long Beach CAes definitivamenteuna ciudadpara buscara.
Estamos compuestosdebien entrenados,, corredores de bienes raícescompetentesyplenamentecualificadosprofesionales que tienenen el conocimientoy la comprensiónde profundidaden la venta ycompra de casasy condominiosen LongBeachCA.Estamos aquípara proporcionarlelas mejores casas ycondominiosque pueden adaptara susnecesidades, expectativas ydemandassin encontrardificultades ymolestias.
Estamos seguros de quenuestrainmobiliariarápidosistema de búsquedade la MLSserá unagran herramientapara ayudarle a encontrarla mejor propiedadde bienes raícesque estáansiosamentebuscando.