Welcome to this charming 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom gem! Nestled in a cozy neighborhood, this recently upgraded home combines modern comforts with timeless appeal. Step inside to find a beautifully refreshed interior, where stylish finishes and thoughtful updates make every space feel inviting.
This charming 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom home offers privacy with no HOA! A privacy fence leads to a secluded front patio with a covered awning—perfect for BBQs and outdoor gatherings with family and friends. Inside, enjoy an open floorplan with a recently remodeled kitchen, double-pane windows, recessed lighting, and central HVAC for year-round comfort.
Grab a brush and save a bundle. Don't miss this vintage Upper Westside home located close to shopping, parks, schools, restaurants, fast food, downtown Long Beach, and has easy access to the 710 and 405 freeways.
PRICE REDUCTION!!! Come and view this great opportunity!! A 3 bedroom 1 bath starter home perfect for your family. Garage has also been converted into a single, perfect for generating income or family member. This home has a spacious living room with a fireplace, formal dining room. Kitchen with tons of cabinets and laundry room. Close to schools, shops, restaurants, and freeways.
Fully remodeled 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom home in Long Beach. From the moment you arrive, you’ll be greeted by a private and spacious front yard, complete with a striking iron and wood gate that opens to a generous yard offering ample parking space.
Step inside to find a bright and inviting home filled with natural light and an open floor plan designed for modern living.
Welcome to this charming Bungalow-style home! This is a perfect starter home for a first time buyer or investor. Great opportunity for someone looking to buy a small home that offers a nice balance of comfort, convenience and enjoyment instead of a condo/townhome with HOA fees. The kitchen & living room have updated tile flooring.
21215 Santa Fe Avenue, Long Beach, California 90810
2,841Lot Sqft
This fully remodeled 2-bedroom, 1-bath home offers a perfect blend of modern design and functional upgrades. Every detail has been thoughtfully curated to create a comfortable and stylish living space. The brand-new kitchen features custom cabinetry and new appliances, while the bathroom showcases elegant tile work, making both spaces a true highlight.
***Buyer backed out home appraised at 655 with few conditions ***traditional California Craftsman in Long Beach, CA, offering three bedrooms and one bathroom.a nice sized kitchen with wood cabinets, and a service porch. The home includes a detached garage with washer/dryer hookups, providing necessary parking and extra storage space.
The property has been fully entitled as a 4 plex with two 2bd, 2b and two 1bd, 1ba condo’s. We have receive conditional approval for our tentative map and conceptual design (see attached) from the City of Long Beach with the final conditional approval scheduled for December 9th 2024.
HUGE PRICE Reduction, Welcome to 1502 W. 34th St. West Side Long Beach Home. Corner Lot Size 6,200 Sq. Ft., 3 bedrooms and 1 bath, Design and Transform this Home into your Dream house. Separate Patio and 2 Car Detached Garage.
This charming two-story home has been tastefully improved. Updated kitchen includes stainless steel faced appliances (Stove, Microwave Vent Hood, Refrigerator) modern cabinets and granite counter tops. Both downstairs bathrooms have been completely remodeled.
Paraaquellas personas y familiasque buscanpara casas ycondominios para la venta, Long Beach CAes el lugar perfectopara que usted considere. Elija entre una ampliavariedad decasas y condominiosen ventaen la ciudad.Es un hechoque LongBeach CAes consideradocomo uno de loslugaresde elitepara vivirdebido a su excelentecrecimiento económicoy las industriasprogresistas. También hayun gran número depropiedades de bienes raícesquese puede optarentreen LongBeachCA.
La mayor partede los bienes inmueblesde Long BeachCAle ofreceremos condiferentesbeneficios queseguramente le encantaráyestaes una de lasrazones por las cualesla mayoría dela gente eligeLong BeachCAcomo el mejor lugarpara comprarsuscasas y condominios. En elúltimo año, la mayoría de la gente quiere encontrarun lugar magnífico paracomprar sucasa ycondominiossin embargola búsqueda dela élitenoes una tarea fácilen absoluto, ya que normalmente requieretiempo, dinero, esfuerzo, compromiso, una intensa investigacióny dedicaciónpara hacerAsegúrese de que sudinerocompraque recorrer unlargo camino.
Aparte deesto, tambiénesdeejecución hipotecariaen LongBeach CAque usted debeaprender y explorarmás. Enbusca decasas y condominiosen venta enLong BeachCA, es muy imprescindible que usted tieneuna comprensiónevidentey mejorsobre cómo elegirel mejor.Navegar por la webserá de gran ayudapara recopilar información adicionalLong BeachCAque le ayudaráaencontrar la casade élite ycondominio queusted soñó. Además, Long Beach CAes consideradocomo uno de losmejoresdestinosturísticos enla actualidadsobre todoporlos veraneantes yturistas.Conlas impresionantesatraccionesque el lugartiene para ofrecer, Long Beach CAes definitivamenteuna ciudadpara buscara.
Estamos compuestosdebien entrenados,, corredores de bienes raícescompetentesyplenamentecualificadosprofesionales que tienenen el conocimientoy la comprensiónde profundidaden la venta ycompra de casasy condominiosen LongBeachCA.Estamos aquípara proporcionarlelas mejores casas ycondominiosque pueden adaptara susnecesidades, expectativas ydemandassin encontrardificultades ymolestias.
Estamos seguros de quenuestrainmobiliariarápidosistema de búsquedade la MLSserá unagran herramientapara ayudarle a encontrarla mejor propiedadde bienes raícesque estáansiosamentebuscando.